
WD-40 Multipurpose Lubricant

WD-40® protects metal from rust and corrosion, penetrates stuck parts, displaces moisture, and lubricates various materials, even removing grease, grime, and much more from most surfaces. https://youtu.be/QZHoZlPd5pM

Why WD-40?

1. PROVEN AND EFFECTIVE FORMULA FOR TOUGH CIRCUMSTANCESLab tests suggest that WD-40 products outperformed other brands in critical tests in terms of reliability...

The Differences between Dyna Bolt (Sleeve Anchor) and “Sanko” Hit Anchor/Hammer Drive Anchor

Anchors are used to secure/fix objects to walls or concrete. Dyna bolt or Sleeve anchor are commonly known in Indonesia. In other side, there is “Sanko” product of hit anchor at which Multi Baja is an authorized distributor offering the following advantages:

Faster and easier installation

Dyna bolt requires nut strengthening,...

Abloy Padlock for Heavy Duty High-level Security (Anti-theft)

Security is a significant concern in industries that handle high-value goods such as oil and gas, ports (containers), heavy equipment, mining, logistics, water treatment, warehousing, offices, and more. Padlocks are a reliable tool for securing your valuable belongings, whether it's in an industrial or personal setting.Abloy padlocks are suitable for...

Solution for Loosening Bolt

Bolt functions as connector between two objects. These objects will not be able to stand/connect without the presence of bolt although it does not grant guarantees they can last forever. Factors like constant or excessive vibrations, pressures, overweight loads, surrounding temperature, can be the reasons of loosening bolts. Such instance...